import java.util.*; /** * Driver program for the Sorts class. * * modified by Jason Quesenberry and Nancy Quesenberry * January 16, 2006 * * @author G. Peck * @created July 18, 2002 */ public class SortStep{ private Scanner console; private ArrayList myArray; private Sorts mySorts; private String listType; /** * Constructor for the SortStep object */ public SortStep(){ console = new Scanner(; mySorts = new Sorts(); myArray = null; listType = "Integer"; } /** * Asks the user to select a sorting algorithm, fills the array * with an amount of random integer data chosen by the user, calls * the sorting algorithm, and gives an option of printing out the * data after it has been sorted. */ public void sortMenu(){ String choice; String print; do{ System.out.println(); System.out.println("Sorting algorithm menu"); System.out.println(); System.out.println("(1) Bubble sort"); System.out.println("(2) Selection sort"); System.out.println("(3) Insertion sort"); System.out.println("(4) Recursive mergesort"); System.out.println("(5) Fill with Integers"); System.out.println("(6) Fill with Strings"); System.out.println("(Q) Quit"); System.out.println(); System.out.print("Choice ---> "); choice = + " "; if ('1' <= choice.charAt(0) && choice.charAt(0) <= '6'){ System.out.println(); mySorts.setStepCount(0); switch (choice.charAt(0)){ case '1': resetArray(); mySorts.bubbleSort(myArray); break; case '2': resetArray(); mySorts.selectionSort(myArray); break; case '3': resetArray(); mySorts.insertionSort(myArray); break; case '4': resetArray(); int last = myArray.size() - 1; mySorts.mergeSort(myArray, 0, last); break; case '5': listType = "Integer"; break; case '6': listType = "String"; break; } if ('1' <= choice.charAt(0) && choice.charAt(0) <= '4'){ System.out.println(); System.out.println("Array sorted to:"); screenOutput(); System.out.println(); System.out.println("# steps = " + mySorts.getStepCount()); System.out.println(); } } } while (choice.charAt(0) != 'Q' && choice.charAt(0) != 'q'); } /** * Initializes myArray with random integers in the range * 1..largestInt * * @param numInts number of integers to generate (size of * myArray) * @param largestInt largest possible random integer to create */ private void fillArrayWithInts(){ System.out.print("How many numbers do you wish to generate? "); int numInts = console.nextInt(); System.out.print("Largest integer to generate? "); int largestInt = console.nextInt(); Random randGen = new Random(); myArray = new ArrayList (); for (int loop = 0; loop < numInts; loop++){ Integer x = new Integer(randGen.nextInt(largestInt) + 1); myArray.add(x); } } /** * Initializes myArray with a few hard-coded Strings * * @param numInts number of integers to generate (size of * myArray) * @param largestInt largest possible random integer to create */ private void fillArrayWithStrings(){ myArray = new ArrayList (); myArray.add("eat"); myArray.add("steaks"); myArray.add("juicy"); myArray.add("huge"); myArray.add("dogs"); myArray.add("big"); } /** * reset the array for the next sort */ private void resetArray(){ if (myArray == null || listType.equals("Integer")){ fillArrayWithInts(); } else if (listType.equals("String")) { fillArrayWithStrings(); } System.out.println(); System.out.println("Array reset to:"); screenOutput(); } /** * prints out the contents of the array in tabular form, 12 columns */ private void screenOutput(){ for (int loop = 0; loop < myArray.size(); loop++){ if (loop % 12 == 0){ System.out.println(); } System.out.print(myArray.get(loop) + " "); } System.out.println(); } }