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Lesson AB23 - Two-Dimensional Arrays
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LAB ASSIGNMENT AB23.2 page 8 of 9

Knight's Tour 1


The Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler (1707 - 1783) proposed a problem regarding the movement of the knight chess piece on a chess board. The challenge that Euler proposed was to move the knight around an empty chessboard, and to touch each of the 64 squares once and only once. Directions: To start, move the knight from any position on the board using its standard L-shaped moves (two over in one direction, then one in a perpendicular direction). Practice on this empty grid. Number any position as 1 and then visit as many squares as possible, numbering each move as you go:

This task is much more difficult than it first appears!


Your task in this lab is to write a program that will move a knight around an empty chess board, leaving behind a trail of increasing integers, ranging from 1 to, hopefully, 64. Here are the specifications for your assignment:

  1. The knight will start in row 1, column 1.

  2. The program will mark squares as they are visited, ranging from 1-64.

  3. The program will continue until a complete tour is accomplished (all 64 squares) or the program gets stuck with nowhere to go.

  4. The program will print the results, looking something like this:

        1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8

    1   1   0  21   0   0  14  23  12
    2  20   0   6   9  22  11   0   0
    3   7   2  19  36  15  46  13  24
    4   0   5   8  47  10  37   0  45
    5   0  18   3  16  35  44  25  38
    6   4  31  34   0  42  39  28   0
    7   0   0  17  32  29  26  43  40
    8   0  33  30   0   0  41   0  27

    47 squares were visited

  5. Use the Random class to generate the necessary random numbers.

  6. Here are two suggestions to solve this lab.

    Suggestion 1: Think about the 8 different possible moves a knight can make from a square. If we analyze them, we can break each one down into a horizontal and vertical component.

Here are the 8 different possible moves analyzed as horizontal and vertical components:


If you stored the above data in 2 arrays, called horizontal and vertical, it would be possible to move the knight to the next square using a statement like:

row = row + vertical[moveNumber];
col = col + horizontal[moveNumber];

This kind of approach will help to simplify your program.

Suggestion 2: Declare the board as a 9 x 9 grid.
This will allow you to work with rows 1..8 and column 1..8. Row 0 and column 0 will not be used in this approach.


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